2nd Power Network Europe Innovation Award: call for applications

2nd Power Network Europe Innovation Award: call for applications

Innovators wanted!

Call for applications open for the

2nd Power Network Europe Innovation Award

Did you create or contribute to a pioneering solution or technology innovation that will help shaping Europe’s future power network? E.DSO and ENTSO-E are looking for you. Apply to the 2nd Power Network Europe Innovation Award and get to present your project in front of 400+ TSO-DSO innovation professionals at the InnoGrid 2019 conference.

Today large-scale innovation is required to prepare networks for the digital age and high shares of renewables, while safeguarding secure supply to consumers at the lowest possible cost.

Applications are welcome from both individuals and companies. Candidates are invited to send a brief (one page max) description of their invention and of how it can contribute to the transformation of the energy networks to Lea Dehaudt (Lea.Dehaudt@entsoe.eu) and Paola Testini (paola.testini@edsoforsmartgrids.eu) by 28 February 2019.

A Selection Committee composed of members from E.DSO and ENTSO-E will assess all applications received and select the best candidates by 31 March 2019. The laureates will be announced at the InnoGrid conference co-organised by E.DSO and ENTSO-E in Brussels on 13-14 May 2019. Winners will be invited to present their ideas at InnoGrid (13-14 May 2019), the conference on innovation in TSO and DSO power networks, that assembles each year over 400 representatives from the EU institutions and the whole energy innovation community.

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