EDSO debates smart meter data needs for smart network management

EDSO debates smart meter data needs for smart network management

Digitalisation of the electricity system is already underway, and will become even more profound in the decades to come. With the ongoing roll-out of smart meters across Europe, electricity grids will become increasingly smarter and more digital. This new flow of data will not only enhance network management, facilitating the development of new services and markets, but it will also be an opportunity for delivering better services to Europe’s citizens through increased customer empowerment, and more control of their energy consumption.

Ahead of the publication of the new market design legislation for the end year, EDSO called on policymakers in a workshop today to recognise and discuss the importance of monitoring data from low-voltage networks and clarify distribution system operators’ role in data handling.

“DSOs, as neutral market facilitators among market players and key enablers of the energy transition, are well placed to deliver high-added value from handling smart meter data in a secure, transparent and non-discriminatory way,’ said Jan Peters, chair of EDSO Technology Committee. ‘Putting in place a clear regulatory framework that guarantees data access to the DSOs will at the same time allow for an efficient and optimal network operation, and facilitate the improvement of quality of service to the customers,’ he added.

Today’s discussions provided a first insight into EDSO’s vision on the use of smart meter data. Distribution network management can be made more efficient through the processing and analysis of technical data from low-voltage grids, which is mostly found in smart meters being rolled out across Europe. To deliver good services to consumers and the society as a whole, DSOs should not be prevented from accessing this data. Privacy and security is of utmost importance for the DSOs, and customers’ consent is mandatory in any situation.

These will serve as a solid basis to further expand and elaborate concrete proposals with the view of implementing a future-proof market design for Europe’s electricity system. More details will follow in a dedicated position paper to be released by the beginning of the year.

For the workshop presentations, click here

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