EDSO proposes a Protocol for a European Open Data policy in distribution systems, and signs the “Tallinn e-energy Declaration”

EDSO proposes a Protocol for a European Open Data policy in distribution systems, and signs the “Tallinn e-energy Declaration”

Tallinn (Estonia), 18 September 2017

Participating in the “Conference on digitalising energy system: Where digital meets energy” co-hosted by ENTSO-E, two of its members and the Estonian Presidency, Christian Buchel, Chairman of EDSO and Enedis Deputy CEO and Chief Digital Officer, remarked the need of a Protocol for a European Open Data policy in electricity distribution systems.

Speaking in a panel debate, he stated that EDSO, representing the leading European DSOs, “would like to set guidelines to ensure the highest quality of data creation and management while issuing procedures to make them widely accessible”. These guidelines, due to be further discussed amongst the members and adopted by end of this year, would consist of five overarching principles:

  1. Embedded, by default, cyber-security, privacy and data protection features
  2. Availability of data
  3. Homogeneous and re-usable data
  4. Interoperability with application providers
  5. Interactive systems and connected appliances

He also added: “We are processing increasing amounts of data from our grids, from smart meters to deliver the best services and foster energy transition. We are up to this challenge. We want to go forward. We want to do more for energy transition, European consumers, companies and local authorities. We want to give them the opportunity be in the driving seat.” This Protocol will be further discussed in the upcoming months within EDSO instances, and open to contribution and cooperation of other European DSOs and their representatives.

Taking also part in the high-level conference that gathered prominent EU leaders on “Europe’s Future Electricity Market”, hosted by the Estonian Presidency, EDSO added its signature to the “Tallinn e-energy Declaration” that aims to promote the digitalisation of Europe’s energy systems and the use of smart solutions to step up the energy transition

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