A Bridge to 2025 – EDSO asks ACER to devote resources to distribution challenges

A Bridge to 2025 – EDSO asks ACER to devote resources to distribution challenges

European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators’ (ACER) Bridge to 2025 consultation paper, as well as on its work programme for 2015. The consultations encourage stakeholders to think ahead and reflect on how to set up a stable, but flexible, regulatory framework for the energy sector for the ten years to come. Below, please find some of the main reflections from the response to the 2025 paper:

A bridge to 2025

EDSO believes that the Third Energy Package is a good basis for the development of smart grids and should be fully enforced. Regarding the monitoring and implementation of the network codes, EDSO highlights that energy regulators should be in the driving seat. On the question of investment, since an overwhelming share of renewables are connected to DSO networks, EDSO stresses that discussions on infrastructure investment should address distribution as well as transmission networks. It should also be noted that smart grids are not a driver, but the essential response to the challenges posed by the integration of renewables. Furthermore, on top of financial support to key infrastructure development, the adaptation of regulation to enable DSOs to invest in smart solutions such as automation and monitoring should also be considered. Particularly important to the development of an internal energy market is further research into how to deliver the best results for consumers when designing the new market for system flexibility services. EDSO also proposes a “menu of consistent options” defining the new role of the DSO in national regulatory frameworks, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach.

You can access EDSO’s response to ACER’s draft work programme for 2015 here.

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