ENTSO-E, E.DSO and partners award energy experts of tomorrow at Innogrid 2020+ kick-off

ENTSO-E, E.DSO and partners award energy experts of tomorrow at Innogrid 2020+ kick-off

Brussels, 13 May 2019. ‘Connecting physics and digits: Power Platforms on the rise’, is the title of this year’s Innogrid2020+ conference. The organisers, E.DSO and ENTSO-E, kicked off the 8th edition of this two-day event in the classic ‘Art Deco’ surroundings of Albert Hall in Brussels, where history and future come together.

The first day included sessions on disruptive technologies, innovation policy and targets for 2030 as well as a CEO business track panel on innovation.

Moreover, the winners of the 3rd Ana Aguado Scholarship Award were announced. Katia Schubert and Pauline Lego received the award for their excellent essays on energy regulation in a decarbonised, decentralised and digitalised context.

Aiming to become an energy lawyer, Pauline Lego is currently enrolled in a Double Master’s Degree in European Affairs with a specialisation in Energy, Resources and Sustainability at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Sciences Po Paris. Katia Schubert is currently finishing her Master’s in International Energy at Sciences Po Paris and has undertaken several internships in the sector.

The five associations behind the Ana Aguado Scholarship Award (Bernard Energy, eurelectric, Florence School of Regulation, ENTSO-E and E.DSO) offered two free seats to the winners for participating in the Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities at the Florence School. Since many highly qualified applicants had applied for a scholarship, it was decided to allocate additional seats to the five next applicants in line for an online training of their choice at the Florence School.

Furthermore, E.DSO and ENTSO-E have given the 2nd European Power Network Award to WPD’s Signposting Information project and to CyberGRID’s CyberNOC project.

WPD’s Signposting data provides a 5 year indication of potential system needs for flexibility across four industry-aligned future energy scenarios. This information will allow flexibility providers to understand where flexibility might be needed on the distribution network, in the future, and will help inform the market potential.

The digital platform “cyberNOC” is about the seamless and secure integration of battery energy storage systems (BESS) and electric vehicles (EVs) with aggregators, electricity markets, and grid operators. cyberNOC’s platform enables the pooling of thousands of batteries and support the provision of localised flexibility services (active and reactive power).

About Ana Aguado

Ana Aguado was a lawyer and a professional holding major positions in the energy sector for the last twenty years. She passed away on 7 October 2016.

Ana had been Secretary General at E.DSO from October 2014. Prior to joining E.DSO she has been CEO of the Friends of the Supergrid and held positions in the European University Institute as Special Advisor to the Communications and Public Relations Unit; in ETSO, the European association of transmission system operators (predecessor of ENTSO-E) as Secretary General, in Eurelectric as Head of Unit for regulation and at the European Commission.

Ana was a passionate and enthusiastic person always in the front line for all major struggles in the energy sector. During her career, she was very attentive to students requests and needs, strongly believing in the importance of education for the future generations.

About the European Power Networks Award

The European Power Networks Award is rewarded a pioneering solution or technological innovation that will help shaping Europe’s future power networks. Individuals as well as companies are invited to apply as long as they represent inventions with significant impact on the transformation of the energy networks. The winners of the European Power Networks Award which is being given for the second time, are chosen by a selection committee composed by members of E.DSO and ENTSO-E.

About Innogrid2020+

InnoGrid2020+ is a yearly conference co-organised by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO). Begun in 2012, InnoGrid2020+ has over the years become the unmissable conference on innovation in power systems and networks. Participants to the conference can visit a poster exhibition showcasing more than 20 innovation projects.


ENTSO-E gathers 43 transmission system operators from 36 European countries. Created by EU legislation, ENTSO-E has several legal mandates including analysis of pan-European electricity system security, infrastructure development and coordination, harmonisation of technical and market rules, and market transparency. ENTSO-E is working on innovation and the smartening of power grids, notably in cooperation with the European associations of distribution system operators. It also works with several international organisations in the energy sector, in particular to develop global industry standards. www.entsoe.eu / @ENTSO_E

About E.DSO

European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) is the key-interface between Europe’s DSOs and the European institutions, and promotes the development and large-scale testing of smart grid technologies in real-life situations, new market designs and regulation. E.DSO gathers 42 leading electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) in 23 countries, including 3 national associations, cooperating to ensure the reliability of Europe’s electricity supply for consumers and enabling their active participation in our energy system. How? By shaping smarter grids for your future.

E.DSO and its members are committed to taking on the huge challenges associated with realising the Energy Union, built on the EU’s ambitious energy, climate, security of supply, jobs and growth objectives. This involves ensuring the reliability and security of Europe’s electricity supply to consumers while enabling them to take a more active part in our energy system. E.DSO focuses on guiding EU research, demonstration and innovation (RD & I), policy and Member State regulation to support smart grids development for a sustainable energy system. www.edsoforsmartgrids.eu / @EDSO_eu

Presentations can be downloaded here.

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