EU market design must tackle innovation gap in power networks

EU market design must tackle innovation gap in power networks

ENTSO-E and EDSO for Smart Grids call for an innovation push in the European power system.

“System operators are in the starting blocks to plug in the reservoirs of flexibility that demand response, storage, digitalisation and link up between distribution and transmission represent”, stated ENTSO-E Chair of the Board, Bente Hagem as she opened in Brussels the EU conference on innovation in grids, InnoGrid2020+. “We count on the Commission to anchor innovation in its upcoming legislative proposal. It’s a necessity”.

“Distributors of electric power, transmission system operators, and the entire world relying on the classic business model bringing electricity to our sockets is changing in full swing. We are confident that Europe’s forthcoming package will give the power sector the extra push it needs to act on its transformation”, said Joao Torres, Chairman of EDSO for Smart Grids.

Both system operators’ associations ask for an alignment of EU and national, private and public innovation efforts to make best use of the limited financial resources. But finding synergies is no longer enough.

EDSO for Smart Grids and ENTSO-E are calling on regulators to support the game-changing in the energy sector by encouraging network operators to become innovation leaders. Both associations insist that good practice in regulation for innovation exists today in Europe. EU institutions need to consolidate these good examples and inspire a cultural change in power sector regulation.

European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič said: ‘Digitalisation affects all of us and can be considered as the next Industrial Revolution. We are entering the era of near zero marginal costs’ […] ‘That is why digitation is a pre-exquisite, an enabler of the new energy model we are building. Digital technologies such as smart grids and smart metering systems, therefore play a critical role in this game change.’

The fifth Innogrid2020+ conference taking place in Brussels on 27-28 June sees a record participation of more than 300 people with 25 innovation in grids projects joining a poster exhibition.

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Contacts for the press

Claire Camus, ENTSO-E Communication Advisor, T: +32 (0)476 97 50 93, @clairecamus_1,

Aura Caramizaru, Communications and Projects Officer, T: +32 (0)485 604 173,

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