European Files Magazine publishes flexibility article by EDSO chairman

European Files Magazine publishes flexibility article by EDSO chairman

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In its recent issue on ‘European Global Leadership in Renewable Energy’, The European Files Magazine published an article by EDSO chairman Christian Buchel, dealing with flexibility for smart distribution grids. It appeared along other contributions by European decision-makers such as Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete, Director-General DG ENER, Dominique Ristori and a number of MEPs as well as several stakeholders from the energy sector. The article stresses that the deployment of more renewables alone cannot enable the energy transition but that smart grids and flexibility solutions are needed as well.

Various flexibility tools such as storage and smart network tariffs, among others, are briefly highlighted as well as the role that different parties need to play. As concerns DSOs, their role is to enhance system security while enabling new flexibility markets as neutral market facilitators. In doing so, they make a crucial contribution to the energy transition. The recent issue, including the article, can be downloaded for free on the website of the European Files Magazine.

The topic of flexibility is gaining increasing importance and it is of great interest to DSOs. EDSO, together with EURELECTRIC, CEDEC, Eurogas and GEODE have intensified these efforts as part of their common work in the DSO Committee on Flexibility. The work of the committee will culminate in a joint report to be presented in a common event on 27 February. For further information, you can follow this link. The report will give more detailed insights into the topic of flexibility.

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