Internal E.DSO workshop “Implementation of Electricity Directive provisions in the field of flexibility”

Internal E.DSO workshop “Implementation of Electricity Directive provisions in the field of flexibility”

9 November 2020

‘Flexibility’ has become an important issue since the Commission introduced “increasing flexibility” as a new goal in its Clean Energy Package. Particularly, the Electricity Directive (EU) 20199/944 provide the basis for an ambitious European Green Deal and Green Recovery in the energy sector.

The provisions of the Directive, namely demand response through aggregation (Art. 17), tasks of DSOs (Art.31), incentives for DSO use of flexibility (Art. 32), tasks of TSOs (Art.40) and ownership of storage (Art.36 and 54) are crucial in this sense as they remove existing regulatory barriers to demand-side flexibility, enable an active participation of all energy consumers in the clean energy transition and increase efficiency at system level.

With the aim to illustrate how countries are transposing the above provisions, E.DSO hosted on 27 October an online workshop on “Implementation of Electricity Directive provisions in the field of flexibility”. This event was an initiative of E.DSO members from five different countries: Poland, France, Germany, Greece, and the Netherlands.

During this workshop five DSO representatives shared their experience from their respective country.

The five presentations showed that proper implementation of the Directive will help achieve all potential benefits flexibility can provide. Particularly, Article 32 of the Directive is crucial since it paves the way for the DSOs to procure flexibility services, including for congestion management in their service area. Consequently, the DSOs and TSOs coordinated approach is important for congestion management.

Further, DSOs demonstrated engagement to procure flexibility services in accordance with transparent, non-discriminatory, and market-based procedures. Finally, a set of solutions to enable DSOs to use flexibility as a tool to operate and plan development of their grids in a cost- efficient way was presented.

You can find slides from the workshop HERE.

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