Joint open letter to EC – A new energy market design for an Energy Union that delivers on demand side flexibility and “efficiency first”

Joint open letter to EC – A new energy market design for an Energy Union that delivers on demand side flexibility and “efficiency first”

The February Energy Union communication and its strong endorsement by European heads of state and government resonated like a promise to European citizens and businesses. In view of the publication of the Summer Package of communications and working documents on a new market design, a new deal for consumers and best practices for self-consumption, EDSO, together with the other 13 signatories of this open letter which represent NGOs, cities, industry and consumer groups, give the European Commission their full support and will pay close attention to their work on delivering this promise. They remind the EC that the vision laid out in the Energy Union communication is the benchmark by which future proposals and decisions will be judged, and lay out key principles which should be reflected in these documents and the legislation and guidelines that will follow.

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