Metal theft – Cross-sector coalition calls for EU-wide action

Metal theft – Cross-sector coalition calls for EU-wide action

Eleven associations representing the energy, railway, public transport and recycling industry – all highly affected by metal theft – are calling on EU policy makers to take action to prevent and counter metal theft in Europe. The newly formed coalition is today issuing a common statement setting out the areas in which EU-wide action is necessary to counter the phenomenon.

The coalition aims to raise awareness about the negative effects of metal theft on the functioning and quality of services of general interest and its overall impact on public life.

In their common statement, the associations urge EU policy makers to take appropriate steps in three areas in which Europe-wide action and cooperation is needed to complement measures already in force at national level and initiatives already undertaken by the concerned stakeholders:

  1. Proper implementation and enforcement of existing waste legislation across Europe is crucial in order to prohibit uncontrolled management of metal waste and scrap. In addition, proposing new measures linked to the identification of metal waste and scrap buyers and sellers should be considered in order to allow for more efficient and effective investigations and prosecution of metal theft crime.
  2. The cross-border nature of metal theft and its ties to organised crime necessitate enhanced international coordination and cooperation between law-enforcement authorities and better exchange of data.
  3. Common definitions and sanctions need to be introduced in order to make foreseen penalties for metal theft proportional to the actual impact and cost of the crime.

The coalition is actively advocating these measures in order to ensure that concerns related to metal theft are duly taken into consideration by the EU policy-makers.

The full text of the joint statement is available here.

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