MoU signed between DSO associations and ENTSO-E

MoU signed between DSO associations and ENTSO-E

ENTSO-E and four European associations representing Distribution System Operators signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) underscoring the commitment of TSOs and DSOs to strengthen their cooperation at EU level.

Given their shared interest in the secure integration of renewable energy sources, facilitating the uptake of flexibility services (including demand side response), roll-out of new communication equipment and software, increasing need for data, and the renewal of ageing grids, the MoU stipulates the need for enhanced information exchange enabling TSOs and DSOs to send common messages to European institutions, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders on how system operators work towards the achievement of European energy policy goals and wider societal benefits. The MoU also identifies the need for expanding operational cooperation, which can include taking common positions whenever useful and necessary, and intensifying work on areas of common interest such as congestion management, data management, coordinated planning of network development, and active and reactive power management.

A first step towards turning the MoU into meaningful action has been taken in the form of two joint workshops. The workshops, which took place on 18-19 March and one taking place on 20 May, address the subjects of roles and responsibilities of TSOs and DSOs and data handling, respectively. Further workshops are planned in the second half of 2015.

This MoU demonstrates that European network operators are committed to enhancing their cooperation to deliver the best service to consumers in an evolving energy landscape and help achieve common objectives in terms of affordability, security of supply, and environmental sustainability.

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