Powering up the discussion on Europe’s Sustainable Energy Future!

Powering up the discussion on Europe’s Sustainable Energy Future!

Joint TSO/DSO, IRENA and H2020 Projects session on “Power systems with high share of renewables: vision and innovation”

EUSEW – 20 June – 9 to 10.30 am – Brussels

By 2050, an important share of electricity will need to come from renewables. On 20 June, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), two H2020 projects RESERVE & SOGNO, and the TSO/DSO platform team up to offer you a session that will look at what innovation, technical, digital and market solutions are needed to manage a power system with an increasing share of variable renewable sources.

IRENA will focus on the innovations for the integration of variable renewables into power systems, based on its recent analysis contained in the report “Innovation landscape for a renewable-powered future”. The RESERVE project, which develops techniques for a stable supply of purely renewable resources and the SOGNO project, which is looking at IT solutions for distribution system operators’ (DSOs) to better monitor & control their networks, will present their latest findings.

ENTSO-E and the European associations representing DSOs (CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric, GEODE), will present their report on Active System Management about integrating new flexibility services and using them for system and grid needs.

SmartEn, WindEurope, SolarPower Europe and EASE will challenge the co-organisers representatives during this 1h30 ‘electric’ debate.

Do not miss it and register now.

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