TSOs-DSOs to continue cooperation for smarter electricity grids

TSOs-DSOs to continue cooperation for smarter electricity grids

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The constructive cooperation of distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs) continues: CEDEC, EDSO for Smart Grids, Eurelectric, GEODE and ENTSO-E signed today an updated Memorandum of Understanding.

The first priority is to achieve a common vision on Active system management in order to integrate all distributed resources and new service providers in the electricity system and market, to ensure system security and to create value for the customer. Further collaboration areas will be decided at the beginning of 2019, taking into account the final Clean Energy Package.

DSOs and TSOs increasingly face similar challenges and share common interests: integration of large quantities of renewable energy sources, facilitation of flexibility services (including demand side response), roll-out of new communication equipment and software, increasing need for data, and the renewal of ageing grids.

Increased cooperation at EU level is needed to tackle the future challenges of integrating distributed flexibility resources, and to realise synergies in research, development and innovation. TSOs and DSOs also cooperate for a more efficient implementation of network codes, for which a Network Codes Implementation Group uniting TSO and DSO experts was set up in Q3 2018.

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