Best Practices – DSOs enhancing Customer Empowerment

Take a look at E.DSO’s video collection and discover how DSOs across Europe are promoting customer empowerment through different innovative ideas.

Fluvius Databoost

Exposing and boosting the customers’ data in an intuitive and easily accessible way is key! Fluvius, via its ‘Databoost’ portal, is showing the path to the future of data exposure, digitalisation and development of new services based on accurate and real detailed customer meter data. Fluvius enables customers to use their energy more economically, smarter and greener, which is needed for the energy transition. This project opens the door to a new generation of tailor-made energy services and customer empowerment.

More: Fluvius

i-DE, Smart Electricity Networks

i-DE believes in a fair energy transition that integrates all the customers. i-DE offers its knowledge and expertise to Local Energy Communities (LEC) based on the supply of individual users data or aggregated data to optimise their energy consumption. Relying on the supply of individual users’ data or aggregated data, i-DE enables LEC to monitor and optimise their energy consumption and energy fluxes based. These services facilitate energy efficiency decision-making processes by empowering customers on the daily basis.

More: i-DE

E-Connection: E-REDES Digital Customer Journey

The E-Connection project is a paramount example of how the adoption of digital can bring together different parts of a complex process and deliver an enhanced and effective customer service. Nowadays, instantaneous information is everywhere, and customers requiring a grid connection are not an exception. With this goal in mind, E-REDES came up with an integrated solution that allows to keep a permanent feedback loop to the customer, while offering a variety of channels where additional information can be acquired by someone who wants to quickly connect to the distribution grid, either to connect its renewable generating unit or the new home or business facility.


The Prioréno initiative

Prioréno is a large-scale and general interest data initiative aiming at a very practical objective: removing the obstacles that elected officials and local governments may encounter while renovating their public buildings. Indeed, many local elected officials only have a partial understanding of their building stock’s characteristics and sometimes lack the essential information they need to launch the renovation works.

More: Enedis

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