CEER 2020 Vision – EDSO lays out activities supporting RASP principles

CEER 2020 Vision – EDSO lays out activities supporting RASP principles

The 2020 Vision for Europe’s energy customers, developed by the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) in 2012, is characterised by four principles governing the relationship between the energy sector and the variety of its customers. The so called RASP principles are the basis of the work that European energy regulators prepare through CEER.

The RASP principles represent a vision of the internal energy market. A market in which consumers can expect the reliability of both the physical supply of energy, and the commercial systems supporting them (Reliability), where charges are clear and kept to fair and reasonable levels for all customers, reflecting value for money (Affordability), where information is provided to customers such that it is easy for them to understand their bill and better manage their energy consumption (Simplicity), and where consumers are protected from unfair commercial practices and have the possibility to participate actively in the market (Protection and Empowerment).

EDSO is an official supporter of the 2020 Vision and RASP principles, and as such was invited by CEER to respond to a questionnaire aimed at identifying the steps being taken towards their implementation ahead of CEER’s Customers “Retail Energy Markets: from advocacy to action” conference on June 18th 2014. Attached you will find EDSO’s response to these important questions, elements of which were presented by EDSO’s Secretary General Per-Olof Granström at the conference.

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