Common Grid Model Methodology and Load Data Provision Methodology – Joint DSO response

Common Grid Model Methodology and Load Data Provision Methodology – Joint DSO response

DSOs fully recognise the usefulness of seeking to increase the international market-capacity between European countries, without lowering security of supply. The Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM) and the Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology (CGLDPM) are two essential elements of the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) network code: a bad implementation would limit cross-border electricity trade and could endanger the power system stability.
A public consultation on the proper implementation of the requirements set in the section 2 of the CACM is thus very welcome. However, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are surprised by the extensive scope of the foreseen methodology, and concerned by the licence TSOs intend to grant themselves for collecting data from grid users and other system operators. In several instance, these documents seem to go beyond the legal duties given to TSOs. The associations of DSOs’ concerns revolve around the following points:

  • Distribution networks are also managed by system operators;
  • TSOs should not be allowed to expand unilaterally the network codes’ scope;
  • A complementary consultation will be needed when the system operation guidelines are finalized;
  • ENTSO-E’s methodology should follow a “protection by design” principle;
  • The current methodologies may not lead to the harmonisation of grid models.

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