EDSO amendments on Electricity Directive

EDSO amendments on Electricity Directive

EDSO sees a significant improvement to the proposed Clean Energy Package related to the recognition of the evolving DSOs’ tasks and responsibilities in meeting the clean energy transition. We support the enabling framework for DSOs to make use of flexibility as a means to improve system efficiency and avoid grid reinforcements, but submitting DSOs to strictly regulated exceptions, particularly on storage, can impose certain impediments.

EDSO agrees with Article 36 that storage services should remain a market activity. However, if the DSOs needs the storage for maintaining grid stability and security, an exemption to the DSO use of own grid-scale storage facilitates shall be granted for this particular case. DSOs should not use storage to engage in the market, but only for technical purposes to solve local grid constraints (emergency situations, voltage limits and reactive power control.)

DSOs will play a key role in facilitating and integrating the uptake of electro-mobility into distribution grids. Recharging infrastructure should be mainly developed by market parties if the business cases develops in this area. DSOs should nevertheless be allowed to deploy and operate the infrastructure in those member states where it is politically desired, as well as be involved the planning and development phases.

Ensuring DSOs’ continued access to all grid and metering data, as well as handling it, when applicable on behalf of customers, is crucial for fulfilling core DSOs tasks in maintaining system stability and quality of supply. Given the diversity of data models across member

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