EDSO position paper on the Clean Energy Package

EDSO position paper on the Clean Energy Package

DSOs stand at the forefront of the energy transition as key enablers of electricity markets and smarter energy systems. In this regard, EDSO welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s Clean Energy Package, particularly in view of the enhanced visibility and recognition of new roles and capabilities given to Distribution System Operators (DSOs). We particularly support the proposals’ move to formally integrate DSOs at the EU level through a single DSO entity for electricity, and recognise their much-needed flexibility needs for an efficient system operation.

EDSO, representing the largest DSOs across Europe, and providing services to over 75% of the electricity distribution market with a customer base of about 350 million European citizens, is pleased with the EU’s ambition for more DSO innovation in the new electricity market design.

EDSO agrees that DSOs are therefore not only responsible for developing, maintaining and operating the electricity network infrastructure through an active and continuous system management, but they also play a key role as neutral market facilitators and managers of metering and consumption data. Moreover, EDSO members are increasingly steering the digital evolution through deploying smart grids technologies and smart metering with the ultimate goal of benefiting customers.

With the ongoing energy transition, DSOs’ competences and responsibilities are continuously increasing alongside fast evolving technological innovations. This comprises extended data management and congestion management in the local DSO grids, as well as the use of grid-scale storage and other flexibility solutions. In this way, the DSOs will be able to successfully fulfil their neutral market facilitating roles while retaining quality and security of supply.

This paper sets out EDSO’s views on the Clean Energy Package draft proposals with a view of making recommendations for specific articles.

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