EDSO Response to EC consultation on Trans-European Networks – Energy (TEN-E) Evaluation

EDSO Response to EC consultation on Trans-European Networks – Energy (TEN-E) Evaluation

EDSO welcomes the public consultation on the evaluation of the TEN-E Regulation. It takes place at a decisive time for EU energy policy. The Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, currently under discussion, is a major step in the transition to a low carbon energy system throughout the European Union. The question of the necessary investments in energy infrastructure should therefore be closely related to the developments of the regulatory framework that will reshape the power sector.

The TEN-E framework considers smart grids as a “thematic area” with a marginal place in the program, while priority is given to the “corridors” that involve high-voltage networks and interconnectors. This paradigm should be abandoned in the reform of the TEN-E framework. Smart grids have become a central element in the energy transition and smart distribution grids will be instrumental in placing the consumers at the centre of the future European energy system. This should be reflected in a new TEN-E framework that should be adapted to this paradigm shift.

The TEN-E framework should adapt to the evolution and future needs of the European energy system. As distributed generation will continue to rise and shift the focus of the energy system to local solutions, the TEN-E framework should contribute to the development of cross-border initiatives locally throughout Europe, instead of focusing only on large transmission projects.

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