Establishment of network code annual priority list 2016 – EDSO response to EC consultation

Establishment of network code annual priority list 2016 – EDSO response to EC consultation

European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the annual consultation of the European Commission (EC) on the establishment of its annual priority lists for the development of network codes and guidelines for 2016 and beyond. The network codes are essential pieces of legislation for the realisation of the single energy market and, as such, we appreciate the opportunity to express our opinion on such an important endeavour.

Over the last four years, EDSO has contributed to the development of the network codes by providing input and feedback on texts drafted by ENTSO-E, and taking part in meetings with Distribution System Operators (DSOs) as well as official stakeholder workshops held by ENTSO-E and ACER. EDSO is pleased to see that the attention paid to DSO concerns has slowly risen over time.

EDSO acknowledges that after a difficult year in 2014, when several network codes were blocked in pre-comitology due to legal issues, the EC has now put back on track these important regulations and is pushing for their swift finalisation. Nonetheless, in spite of progress, the network codes development process could still be improved…

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