Joint DSO Reply to consultations on Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology v.2 and Common Grid Model Methodology v.2

Joint DSO Reply to consultations on Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology v.2 and Common Grid Model Methodology v.2

This response paper is a joint response from EURELECTRIC, CEDEC, GEODE and EDSO for Smart Grids, taking part in the two ENTSO-E public consultations on:

  • the Common Grid Model Methodology pursuant to Article 18 of Regulation 2016/1719 (“CGMMv2”)
  • the Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation 2016/1719 (“GLDPM-v2”)

The consultations incorporate the requirements defined in two Guidelines:

  • Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) and
  • Guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA).

Currently, both methodologies undergo changes due to the prescriptions of the FCA Guideline. The Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM) and Generation and Load Data Provision Methodology (GLDPM) are closely linked. GLDPM describes the data required by the TSOs to establish a common grid model, enabled by CGMM and based on the data received from DSOs and grid users.

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