Minimum functional requirements for Smart Secondary Substations Lite – technology specification

Minimum functional requirements for Smart Secondary Substations Lite – technology specification

The European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO), based on the work of its Technology Committee, has issued a technology specification for the minimum functional requirements for Smart Secondary Substations Lite (SSSlite).

With an increasing amount of decentralised generation and the rise of the electrical vehicle, monitoring the grid is becoming necessary. Strategic substations in the grid are being equipped with remote switching gear and extensive measurement devices. However, it remains very costly to equip all substations with this type of solution. Therefore, distrubution system operators (DSOs) are searching for alternative, economical solutions.

Within the current market, it is difficult to find vendors able to supply low cost solution since their main focus has traditionally been to offer comprehensive solutions with a large number of functionalities. However, the benefits of such equipment are not always worth the high costs, which leads to a deadlock: vendors are waiting for clear requirements and orders from grid operators while grid operators are waiting for the market to offer low cost products before they place a purchase order.

With a growing need for more functionalities in secondary substation, action is required to overcome the stalemate. To aid the market, EDSO members have have joined forces in order to define a minimum set of requirements for Smart Secondary Substations Lite (SSSlite).

The purpose of this document is to provide technology suppliers with insights into the minimum functionalities of secondary substations and with direction for their R&D in order to design products that meet the needs of the DSOs in Europe. This document is a first step in starting a dialogue between DSOs and their technology suppliers.

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