Network codes and guidelines for 2015 and beyond – EDSO responds to EC consultation on annual priority lists

Network codes and guidelines for 2015 and beyond – EDSO responds to EC consultation on annual priority lists

European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the European Commission’s plan for developing network codes for 2015 and beyond. The network codes are an essential piece of legislation to make the single energy market work while guaranteeing the security of supply.

We acknowledge the European Commission’s efforts to guide the network code development process in the coming years and we appreciate being given the opportunity to express our opinion on the future work of the European Commission.

Over the last three years, EDSO very actively contributed to the development of network codes by providing input and feedback on the texts drafted by ENTSO-E and participating in ACER’s workshops and stakeholders meetings. EDSO will continue to do so in 2015 and beyond.

In addition to finalising the current network codes before commencing new ones, focus should be put on using lessons learnt from previous code development, as well as on the proper implementation of the finalised codes. Recommendations include:

  • Consistent drafting and impact assessment
  • Alignment of codes and standardisation efforts
  • Transparency during the comitology process
  • Stakeholder involvement during the implementation phase
  • Regulators in the lead for implementing and amending codes

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