Standardisation for smart grids – DSOs priorities

Standardisation for smart grids – DSOs priorities

Open and non-proprietary standards are indispensable for the smooth roll-out of smart electricity grids across Europe, optimising costs for consumers. To support the on-going EU smart grid standardisation process, European distribution grid operators (DSOs) today published their standardisation priorities.

For DSOs, standardisation work should focus on standards that allow them to manage peak demand and flexible loads, optimise the grid and power quality, and connect renewables and other types of energy resources to the distribution grid. To this end, the newly published paper provides recommendations on the workload ahead in three main areas:

  • Smart network management
  • Smart integration of distributed generation and e-mobility
  • Smart market and active customers

Rapid adoption of standards is important: DSOs are already facing challenges that require smart grid functionalities and services, for instance the proliferation of intermittent decentralised renewables in the distribution grid.

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