The European Dream we share, sixty years after the Treaties of Rome: clean energy, innovation and jobs

The European Dream we share, sixty years after the Treaties of Rome: clean energy, innovation and jobs

Common statement: ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, SolarPower Europe, WindEurope, EDSO, SEDC, T&D Europe

A common energy policy was at the heart of the European project at its inception. Bringing strategic assets together was seen as a stepping stone to rebuild a war shaken continent. The resulting peace and prosperity allowed Europeans to work together on a coordinated energy policy hinging on a liberalized energy market with power- and gas networks integrated across borders. In parallel, ambitious sustainability goals have been developed, clean tech is on the rise and the idea of an Energy Union, a European energy transition for all Europeans is gaining ground.

The European dream that we share is a Europe that leads in innovation and on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that successfully combats climate change, and that ensures opportunity and unmatched living standards to more than 500 million citizens. It is a Europe that creates jobs and takes advantage of its diversity to build on its most successful experiences. The Europe we dream of is a Europe where a well understood subsidiarity draws the best from the competence and experience of its members.

Europe is a project in the making and has proven it can adapt to new challenges. More than ever, Europe should strive for an environment where innovative businesses can unleash their potential, where the customer moves centre stage and new jobs are created around the value pools of digital transformation. A forward looking Climate and Energy policy can help reinforce the bond between Europeans which is at the heart of the European project. We sign up for giving all our support to the European dream of today, sixty years after the Treaties of Rome.

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