The SPRING project concluded its activities in September 2023. On this page, you can discover its results and key learnings.
The SPRING Project, which was an evolution of the INTENSYS4EU project, was a coordination and support action aimed at achieving the energy transition towards a low-carbon, reliable, resilient, and accessible, as well as cost-efficient and market-based, pan-European integrated energy system.
The Project managed two separate initiatives: the ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition) in support of the Strategic Energy Technology plan (SET-plan) and the BRIDGE Initiative, supported by Horizon 2020 (and subsequently by Horizon Europe), that unites EU R&I projects in the areas of Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalization as to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues encountered during the demonstration activities.
Within the project, E.DSO contributed to the development of strategic documents regarding R&I in the energy networks for the energy transition, contributing to ETIP SNET and BRIDGE Initiative Vision 2050 to reach a carbon-neutral and circular economy.
E.DSO members’ collaboration in the SPRING Project was aimed at achieving objectives, such as:
- Improve management processes within ETIP SNET and BRIDGE.
- Maximise the respective impacts of ETIP SNET and BRIDGE.
- Increase their attractiveness through efficient communication.
- Facilitate R&I policy and strategic planning of the EC.
Although E.DSO is currently not part of the new consortium that supports the management of ETIP SNET and BRIDGE, it continues its participation in both platforms. E.DSO representative also shares the rotating chairmanship of the ETIP SNET platform together with ENTSO-E.
European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) have been created by the European Commission in the framework of the new SET-plan by bringing together a multitude of stakeholders and experts from the energy sector.
The ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) role is to guide Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) to support Europe’s energy transition. More specifically, its mission is to:
- Set-out a vision for RD&I for Smart Networks for Energy Transition and engage stakeholders in this vision.
- Prepare and update the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap.
- Report on the implementation of RD&I activities at European, national/regional and industrial levels.
- Provide input to the SET Plan action 4 which addresses the technical challenges raised by the transformation of the energy system.
- Identify innovation barriers, notably related to regulation and financing.
- Develop enhanced knowledge-sharing mechanisms that help bring RD&I results to deployment.
- Prepare consolidated stakeholder views on Research and Innovation to European Energy Policy initiatives.
E.DSO members contribute with direct involvement and expertise to five ETIP SNET working groups, which, together with other industry experts, cover the following topics:
- WG1: Reliable, economic, and efficient smart grid system.
- WG2: Storage technologies and sector interfaces.
- WG3: Flexible generation.
- WG4: Digitisation of the electricity system and customer participation.
- WG5: Innovation implementation in the business environment.
BRIDGE is a cooperation group involving 90 projects around smart grid, energy storage, islands and digitalisation projects funded under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe aiming to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues, which are encountered in the demonstration projects and may constitute an obstacle to innovation. It also fosters continuous knowledge sharing amongst projects, allowing them to deliver conclusions and recommendations about the future exploitation of the project results through four different working groups on Data Management, Business Models, Regulation and Consumer and Citizen Engagement.
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Contact: projects@edsoforsmartgrids.eu